ADW LOC 2017 Leadership Workshop

ADW LOC 2017 Leadership Workshop

The ADW Board of Directors sponsored a Leadership Workshop for all unit presidents, vice presidents and/or any one interested in taking on a leadership role within the organization.  The workshop held at St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth and Families was well attended.  Ms. Viola Johnson-Robinson, President of the ADWLOC Board appointed Ms. Mary Hand and Dr. Rita L. Robinson to plan and facilitate the workshop.  They provided a PowerPoint presentation of the history of the organization at the local, national and international levels.  Handouts were provided to all those present.  A box lunch was served as well.  In addition, there were three students accompanied by their teacher from Elizabeth Ann Seton High School who were in attendance.  They voiced an interest in starting a junior chapter of the Ladies of Charity at their school.

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